And to promote its activities and activate its role in Law sector services in the Kingdom, the Committee formed 6 permanent work teams; each handles a part of the sector work. They are: a team for training and development, an international cooperation team, a team for right issues, studies and research team, a team for arbitration and compatibility, a team for the legal practice affairs.
Among the issues discussed by the Committee with the General Administration of Law was the issue of lawyers’ licenses, where Sheikh / Abdul Aziz Al-Zaid confirmed that the renewal of licenses of lawyers requires a report of the work of the office only and it is not required to provide the administration with the provisions issued on behalf of the lawyer who had already been issued a license. Regarding the issue of imposters posing as lawyers, the issue was raised by head of the National Committee of Attorneys.
The meeting discussed starting to work on a project to develop the legal profession in addition to the idea of the establishment of a Higher Institute for Law and Arbitration. The idea of distinguished uniforms for the Kingdom’s lawyers was proposed to the participants in the meeting and to the Director General of Law as well, taking the example of other lawyers around the world where such a uniform distinguishes the lawyer from other intruders on the profession, in addition to the meanings of respect and appreciation to the judges and the civilized appearance of the uniform.[:]