Our Award

 Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm has won multiple legal awards from various organizations such as LexisNexis Middle East, The World Bank, Corporate Livewire, ACQ Law Award, ACQUISITION INTERNATIONAL, World Finance, GlobalLawExperts, and CorporateINTL. These awards recognize the firm's contribution and excellence in business and litigation law, shareholder and partnership disputes law, commercial disputes law, corporate and commercial law, and authoring and contributing to legal projects.


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Legal Award from LexisNexis Middle East granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as Author and Contributor to Gulf Legal Advisor Project – 2018



The World Bank

Award from The World Bank granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm in appreciation of its contribution in doing businesses (2008, 2009 and 2010)

Corporate Livewire

Award from Corporate Livewire granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as Innovation & Excellence in Business & Litigation Law.


ACQ Law Award  granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as Corporate & Commercial Law Firm of the year.


2014 Legal Award from ACQUISITION INTERNATIONAL granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as Business and litigation law firm of the year.

World Finance

Legal Award from World Finance granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as Best Corporate & Commercial Team in Saudi Arabia.

Global Law Experts

Legal Award from Global Law Experts 2015 granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as shareholder & partnership disputes Law Firm of the year in Saudi Arabia

GlobalLawExperts 2017

Legal Award from Global Law Experts granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as Commercial Disputes Law Firm of the Year in Saudi Arabia – 2017.


Legal Award from Corporate INTL granted to Al-Soaib & Partners Law Firm as Shareholder & Partnership Disputes Law Firm of the year 2015 in Saudi Arabia.

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مجال القانون الرياضي
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