Los lazos KSA-Rusia están listos para escalar nuevas alturas: SAGIA

[:en]Asserting that Saudi-Russian ties are poised to “scale new heights,” Al-Othman said in a brief statement that the Kingdom’s relationship with Russia was a “key element in its bilateral engagement as the country moves forward to forge closer ties.” “In fact, Riyadh and Moscow have evinced keen interest to boost bilateral links in all sectors”.

El jefe de SAGIA, durante su estancia en Rusia, también sostendrá conversaciones con altos funcionarios rusos. En esta ocasión, se organizarán varios talleres conjuntos para centrarse en posibles áreas de cooperación. Los temas de los talleres incluyen cooperación conjunta en exploración minera, transporte, desarrollo de infraestructura, agricultura, petróleo y gas, vivienda, bienes raíces, turismo, electricidad, energía renovable, desalinización de agua y atención médica.

A framework agreement to set up “Russian-Saudi Joint Committee” is also likely to be signed on the sidelines of the business conference. All these initiatives that would be launched during the visit will further promote the unified investment plan prepared by SAGIA that identifies about 100 investment opportunities in 18 sectors with a cumulative value of SR1.3 trillion.[:]

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